If you want to move your widgets to another WordPress site, or you just want to back them up, then an export/import feature will definitely come in handy!

This can be done using a simple WordPress plugin.

Here’s what you need to do!

Step 1

Install and activate the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin.

Here’s how to install a plugin in WordPress.

Step 2

Go to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter.

widget importer and exporter wordpress plugin

Step 3

Click on the Export Widgets button and save the .wie file on your computer.

saving .wie file
Saving .wie file in Windows


  1. While the file contains JSON data, it has its own proprietary .wie extension, which can only be used with this specific plugin.
  2. The plugin only exports the active WordPress widgets.

Final step

When you want to import the widgets into a WordPress site, you’ll need to have this plugin installed.

Then, go to its settings, click the Choose File button, upload the file you saved, and click on Import Widgets.

import widgets in wordpress

Your WordPress widgets will now be imported.

imported widgets in wordpress


Make sure you don’t have the same widgets active when performing the import because the plugin won’t override them.

For example, let’s say that among the exported widgets, you have the default Recent Comments widget.

If that widget is active on the site where you want to import your saved widgets, the plugin won’t replace it. It will say that it already exists.

widget already exists

So, I recommend going to Appearance > Widgets and remove all (or the same) widgets that are active, before importing the saved ones.

That’s a Wrap

I hope you found this tutorial useful, and you managed to successfully export and import your WordPress widgets!

If you have any questions or thoughts, drop a comment or send a message via contact or Facebook page.

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