The post was last updated on 4/3/2018


When you upload a media file, like an image or a video, and attach it to a post/page, WordPress will create its own attachment page, just like a normal page.

The bad news is that this page will be published by default, which means that it can be accessed by the general public.


Most of you will want to prevent that from happening, either because you have a media file that you don’t want to be accessed by everybody, or because the attachment page looks pretty bad because the theme developers didn’t pay any attention to it.

Here’s an example of how it looks like:

WordPress attachment page


It looks pretty weird, no? Just the file, its title, your sidebar, comment area…

Therefore, in this article, I’ll show you how to disable the attachment pages in WordPress with one of these two plugins.

Disable media attachment pages with the “Yoast SEO” plugin

For those of you who are using the Yoast SEO plugin – and all of you should use it because it will make your life so much easier, not just for SEO; it’s a must-have plugin – you just need to activate an option.

  • Go to SEO -> Search Appearance;
  • Select the Media tab;
  • Select the Yes option under Redirect attachment URLs to the attachment itself?;
  • Click the Save Changes button.

Disable media attachment page with Yoast


The versions prior to 7.0, would have redirected the attachment page to the parent post.

Starting with Yoast 7.0, it will redirect the attachment page to the media file itself, which is much better.

Disable media attachment pages with the “Attachment Pages Redirect” plugin

For those of you that don’t have Yoast installed, and don’t want to have it either, especially for just one feature, then install Attachment Pages Redirect, which handles just that.

Once activated, it will perform a 301 redirect (permanent redirect) from the attachment page to the parent post, if the media file is attached there.

If it’s not attached, then it will perform a 302 redirect (temporary redirect) to your homepage.

The plugin doesn’t have any settings. You just have to activate it, that’s it.

That’s a wrap

Hope you found the post useful!

Don’t forget to share it with your friends!

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