If you want to copy the content of a post or page that you’ve written using the Gutenberg WordPress editor, it will be very easy.


All you have to do is to click on the 3 vertical dots in the upper-right corner and select Copy All Content.

copy all content gutenberg wordpress editor

The copied content will be in HTML format, like this:

Gutenberg HTML

You can paste the content in another post or page by pressing CTRL-V (on Windows) or CMD-V (on macOS) on your keyboard.

You can paste it in a Gutenberg editor or even in a Classic Editor.

Yes, the Classic Editor will handle the Gutenberg format just fine and it will display your content properly.


If you’re pasting the content in the Classic Editor, make sure you do it in the Text editor, not the Visual one!

text editor

You can switch to the Visual editor afterward.

When you paste the content in Gutenberg, it won’t appear as HTML, of course.

That’s a Wrap

Hope you found the tutorial useful and managed to copy and paste content from the Gutenberg WordPress editor!


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