Adding a YouTube subscribe button in your WordPress site would be a good idea because it could get you even more subscribers to your channel.
Adding the button is very easy, and I’ll show you how to do it in this tutorial.
And the best part is that you don’t need to use a plugin for it! :D
The fewer plugins you have, the better!
You can watch the video or continue reading the post.
Create the YouTube Subscribe Button
First, let’s see where and how to create your YouTube subscription button.
Step 1
Head over to this Google developers page where you’ll see this:

Step 2
Start configuring your subscribe button.
- Channel Name or ID: Add your YouTube channel name or ID if you don’t have a channel name set.
- Layout:
- default;
- full;
- Theme:
- default;
- dark;
- Subscriber count:
- default (shown);
- hidden.
You have a Preview at the bottom, so you’ll be able to see in real-time how your YouTube subscribe button will look like.
I chose to have a full layout, dark theme, and subscriber count to show off my huge number of subscribers. :)

Add the YouTube Subscribe Button in WordPress
Now, let’s see what you need to do once you’ve finished configuring the button.
Step 1
Select and copy all the code at the bottom.

Step 2
Paste the code where you want the YouTube subscribe button to appear.
You could add it in a Custom HTML widget, in your Classic or Gutenberg editors, in an HTML element from your page builder, and perhaps other places depending on your WordPress site’s configuration.
For the sake of example, I’ll show you how to add it in a post using the Gutenberg and Classic editors.
Gutenberg editor
Click the + sign, search for the Custom HTML block, add it, then paste the code there.

Classic Editor
Switch to the Text editor and paste the code there.

You can switch back to the Visual editor afterward.
Final step
Check out how the YouTube subscribe button looks like in the front-end of your WordPress website.
Here’s how it looks like on this post:
For some reason, it doesn’t display the dark theme, but I’m not going to bother finding out the issue. I’ll just throw it in the “Another thing that doesn’t work properly” bin.
You can go ahead and use it to subscribe to my WordPress YouTube channel to see how it works. :)
That’s a Wrap
Hopefully, this tutorial helped you out, and you managed to add a YouTube subscribe button in your WordPress website!
If you need help setting up your WordPress site, my WordPress website services are at your disposal!
You can quickly subscribe to my newsletter by using this link.
You can also hit the follow button on Twitter.
If you have any questions or thoughts, drop a comment or send a message via contact or Facebook page.
Don’t forget to share the post to help out others!
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