At some point, you’ll find yourself in a situation where you need to edit several posts or pages, and making changes to each post or page individually would definitely be a hassle, no?

Fortunately, WordPress has a built-in feature for that.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to use that feature and bulk edit WordPress posts and pages!

Click here if you want to jump straight to the video tutorial.

How to bulk edit posts

What you need to do is to:

  • Go to Posts -> All Posts;
  • Select the posts that you want to edit, by checking the boxes in front of them;

Select multiple posts in WordPress

  • From the Bulk Actions drop-down menu, select Edit;

How to bulk edit posts in WordPress

  • Click the Apply button next to the drop-down menu;

Bulk Edit posts in WordPress

  • Make your desired changes to the selected posts;

bulk edit wordpress posts

In this example, I added the posts to the “Games” category and changed their status to “Published”, since they were drafts.

  • Click the Update button;

That’s it! Easy, right?

How to bulk edit pages

It’s basically the same thing here, except you need to go to Pages -> All pages, of course. You’ll also notice that you’ll have fewer things to edit for the pages:

How to bulk edit pages in WordPress

As you can see, there are no categories, tags, pings, and so on.

Video tutorial


That’s a wrap

Hope you found our tutorial useful!

If you have any questions or thoughts, please drop a comment!