If you want to add a custom Facebook image for your homepage via Yoast’s Social box, you’ll notice that it won’t appear on Facebook or other social media websites.

Note that this only happens on a static page that is set as a homepage in Settings -> Reading, in WordPress.

yoast facebook social box

The og:image properties won’t appear inside your homepage source code, therefore, the image will not be displayed on Facebook or other social media websites that rely on Open Graph properties to display rich snippets.

missing yoast og:image properties homepage

The good news is that this is a known bug, and the Yoast developers are aware of it and plan to fix it in July, with the release of Yoast 7.8.

We apologize for the inconvenience. There’s currently an open issue with our developers regarding featured image is not outputted as og:image on static homepage. You can check the GH issue here: https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo/issues/9730

The fix will be included on Yoast SEO 7.8 which is set to be released this July.

The bad news is that, until then, if anyone shares your homepage, you won’t have a proper image attached to it.

Either no image will appear, or a random one, like your logo, might be grabbed by Facebook or other social media websites.

no image on facebook share

So, in this post, I’ll show you a temporary fix, which is more of a workaround, to be honest.

Fix Yoast missing og:image properties on homepage

The fix simply consists of adding a default Facebook image in SEO -> Social -> Facebook.

adding default facebook image in yoast

This will make the og:image properties appear on your homepage.

The default image will only appear on posts / pages that don’t have any images set for them.

So, think about it.

Your posts are covered, because they have featured images added, right?

You most likely have, or need to add anyway, an image to every page via Yoast Social box, so images appear in snippets when pages are shared.

So, that would only leave your homepage “uncovered”, because of the bug, but adding a default Facebook image will fix that. It will fill in the gap.

Am I right or am I right? :D

Looking forward for the real fix, though.

That’s a wrap

Hope you found the post comprehensive and used the solution to fix Yoast’s missing og:image properties on your homepage.

If you have any questions or thoughts, drop a comment or send a message via contact or Facebook page.

You can also hit the follow button on Twitter and subscribe to the YouTube channel.

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